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What You Will Learn?

Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there and want to access all the essential information in one easy to find place?

Well, we’ve got you covered!

  • Managing labor pain.

  • Positions for pushing.

  • Positions of labor.

  • Newborn care (bath, nail cutting, umbilical cord care, sleep, calming a crying baby, swaddling, etc.)

  • A pregnant woman's anatomy and hormones.

  • Medications used during childbirth.

  • What role may a spouse or doula have in assisting a pregnant woman?

  • Breastfeeding & Nursing

  • Physical and mental recovery after childbirth.

  • A complete childbirth education.

Course curriculum

  • 1
  • 2

    Chapter 1: Preparing for a positive birth

    • Welcome: A message from the instructor

    • Use your B.R.A.I.N to have the most positive birth possible!

    • The anatomy of a pregnant woman

    • Thanks heavens for birth hormones!

  • 3

    Chapter 2: Labor & Delivery

    • Why can labour be so long? It's all about your cervix.

    • Active labour and transition: this is why they call it LABOUR!

    • Coping with labour: Finding what works for you

    • Positions to help baby descend

    • Massage - how to relax your partner

    • The magic of acupressure points

    • It's time to push!

    • Pushing positions: you don't have to be on your back

    • What you need to know about medical interventions

    • Partners: Making your spouse feel safe and loved

    • Early labour: stay home as long as possible!

    • What's a Doula? Your own Fairy Godmother!

    • 9 Coping With Labor (Positions)-22

  • 4

    Chapter 3: The First Hour After Birth

    • Baby is born: what happens next?

    • The beauty and benefits of skin-to-skin with baby

  • 5

    Chapter 4: Breastfeeding

    • Breastfeeding 101

    • Breastfeeding positions: find what’s comfortable for you

    • Pumping and bottles

    • Breastfeeding isn’t always easy: common issues and how to deal with them

  • 6

    Chapter 5: Bringing Baby Home

    • Healing physically after birth

    • Healing emotionally after birth

    • Grooming your baby: bath, nail cutting and umbilical cord care

    • You will change thousands of diapers! Let’s start with the first one

    • Babies cry, but why? Ways to soothe a crying baby

    • To swaddle or not to swaddle?

    • Baby carriers

    • Everything you want to know about newborn sleep...or the lack of it!

    • Will you ever be intimate again?

Course Description

Sylvia Otvos

With over five hours of content broken down into manageable, easy-to-follow sessions that you can watch at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home, you'll leave feeling more informed, confident, and prepared for your big day.

What is covered in these online birthing classes:

31 professional video lectures presented by an accomplished Certified Childbirth and Postpartum Doula, a mother of three, and the owner and founder of a flourishing doula agency.

5.5 hours of compelling content that you may watch at your leisure while curled up on your couch.

Lessons with actual parents, fathers, and newborns, as well as film from our own clients' deliveries.

Numerous advice and resources to assist you in feeling confident throughout labor and delivery, as well as after you bring baby home.

A lovely guidebook in which to follow along and record notes.

Having helped in over 200 deliveries, I am certain that if you are adequately prepared, you will have a more favorable delivery experience. You're going to tell your birth story thousands of times - let's make it an incredible one.

We look forward to getting to know you better and assisting you in having the greatest delivery possible!

Social proof: testimonials

“I purchased this class for my partner and I. Most of the information is geared towards the pregnant woman, but I also found it very informative. Sylvia is great and I wish she could be our doula. I would highly recommend this course to expecting parents, especially if you feel anxious about what's to come. Informative stuff. Great job, Sylvia!”

“A MUST for new mom, Sylvia is wonderful! Her course answered all the looming questions I had as a new mom and provided so much more valuable information that has given me confidence in my ability to make it though a natural childbirth and I feel better prepared to take on this exciting new chapter!”

“Thank you so much, Sylvia. I started this course before being pregnant and finished now while being pregnant for the first time. You are such a warm person & this has been such an in depth class covering everything one could possibly want to know about birth & the postpartum period. 10/10 would recommend. :)”

by Expert Doula & Instructor

Sylvia Otvos


I remember the immediate thought that came into my mind after I saw that second pink line for the first time on my pregnancy test: How will I do this? I knew I wanted a positive birthing experience, but had no clue where to start.

My husband may have studied engineering. But dealing with female mechanics? Not so much. So I decided to hire a doula for additional support. And it was such a game-changer for us that I never gave birth again without one.

Here’s what I know as someone who has attended over 200 births and had three of her own: The way a woman gives birth can have a lasting impact on the birth story she shares, how her body heals, how close she feels to her partner during and after the birthing experience, and even the bond she forms with her new baby.

Full disclosure—it still took blood, sweat and tears. But giving birth wasn’t the screamfest I imagined it would be (thanks for that, Hollywood). I was grounded in the moment. I walked around like an Amazon queen for days. And all because an amazing birth squad had my back…and I was encouraged to give birth my way, in my own time.

All of your concerns will be addressed.

  • How can I know if I'm really in labor? Will my water break?

  • When do we go to the hospital? And what should we bring?

  • How am I to deal with pain if I am not receiving an epidural?

  • What are the most frequently performed medical procedures and what are the associated risks?

  • Is it safe to eat during labor?

  • When is it too late for me to have an epidural if I really want one?

  • Is it possible for me to breastfeed my baby?

  • Should I delay bathing my newborn?

  • Once I return home, how can I provide the best care possible for my baby?