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About Iben Sandahl

Iben Sandahl is the bestselling author of The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the World Know About Raising Confident, Capable Kids available in 28 languages and Play The Danish Way: A Guide to Raising Balanced, Resilient and Healthy Children through Play translated into 7 languages.
Iben Sandahl Online Maternal Course How To Raise Happy Children The Danish Way

What You Will Learn?

If you find parenting tough or feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being a parent, The Danish Way is a great approach.

  • Learn about the social value of HYGGE and what pulls you together as a family. You will learn to prioritize time with your children in this method.

  • Learn how to change your negative thoughts and behaviors into positive ones. You will be given a variety of practical techniques to apply on yourself and your kid.

  • Learn how to be courageous and genuine, as well as how to instill these qualities in your children. The key to a happy existence is authenticity.

  • Recognize the importance of play in your child's life. Learning will be ineffective if your kid does not have the chance to absorb and integrate daily perceptions and experiences via free play.

  • Understand why empathy is essential for forming strong relationships. There is a strong but compassionate method for resolving disputes. Take command and retain your authority as a parent while being respectful.

  • How to deal with toddlers while armed with some persuasive phrases that you may rehearse in order to be better at dealing with what upsets you.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How To Raise Happy Children - The Danish Way

    • Intro

    • Introduction - How To Raise Happy Children - The Danish Way

  • 2


    • Introduction to HYGGE

    • HYGGE Lecture 1

    • Understanding HYGGE

    • HYGGE Lecture 2

    • How to Apply HYGGE In Your Family Life

    • HYGGE Lecture 3

    • HYGGE-time After Being Apart

    • HYGGE Lecture 4

    • How to HYGGE at Bedtime

    • HYGGE Lecture 5

    • How to Stay Connected In This Online Culture

    • HYGGE Lecture 6

    • How to Motivate Teenagers

    • HYGGE Lecture 7

    • Humor

    • Closure

  • 3

    Challenging Your Initial Perspective

    • Introduction to ReFraming

    • REFRAMING Lecture 1

    • What is Reframing

    • REFRAMING Lecture 2

    • The Small Pathways In Your Brain

    • REFRAMING Lecture 3

    • Use “BUT” As a Reminder

    • REFRAMING Lecture 4

    • All Changes Begin With You

    • REFRAMING Lecture 5

    • Find Your Point of Balance

    • REFRAMING Lecture 6

    • How to Handle Toddler Meltdowns

    • Closure

  • 4

    Parenting with Integrity

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 1

    • What is Authenticity and why is it Beneficial

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 2

    • How to Focus on Your Integrity and Values

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 3

    • Communicating All Feelings

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 4

    • How to Deal With Your Triggers

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 5

    • Talking About All Aspects of Life

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 6

    • Offering a Way Out

    • AUTHENTICITY Lecture 7

    • The 'I'

  • 5

    Encouraging Creative Opportunity

    • Introduction To Play

    • PLAY Lecture 1

    • Why Free Play is Important

    • PLAY Lecture 2

    • Help Your Child be Better at Playing

    • PLAY Lecture 3

    • Building Self-esteem

    • Alternative exercises to play

    • PLAY Lecture 4 A

    • PLAY Lecture 4 B

    • PLAY Lecture 4 C

    • PLAY Lecture 4 D

    • PLAY Lecture 4 E

    • PLAY Lecture 4 F

    • PLAY Lecture 5

    • Do Not Underestimate the Power of Physical

    • Closure

  • 6

    Allowing Space For Empathy

    • Introduction to Empathy

    • EMPATHY Lecture 1

    • What Does Empathy Mean

    • EMPATHY Lecture 2

    • How to Practice Your Empathic Skills

    • EMPATHY Lecture 3

    • When do Children Develop Empathy

    • EMPATHY Lecture 4

    • How Literature Opens the Door to Empathy

    • EMPATHY Lecture 5

    • Show Empathy and Care

    • EMPATHY Lecture 6

    • Pamper Instead of Correcting

    • EMPATHY Lecture 7

    • Teach Your Child About Social Competences

    • EMPATHY Lecture 8

    • How to Help Sensitive Kids Get Confidence

    • Closure

  • 7

    Eliminating Negative Reinforcement

    • Introduction to No Ultimatums

    • NO ULTIMATUMS Lecture 1

    • How Ultimatums Harm Your Child

    • NO ULTIMATUMS Lecture 2

    • Are you an Authoritarian or Authoritative parent

    • NO ULTIMATUMS Lecture 3

    • How to reach Toddlers Who Avoid Eye Contact

    • NO ULTIMATUMS Lecture 4

    • How to Handle What Triggers You

    • Closure

  • 8


    • Outro

Course Description

How To Raise Happy Kids?
Parent the Danish Way.

This course will teach you how to be more genuine and empathetic while focusing on the critical connection between you and your kid. You will learn to HYGGE and to reframe negative and limiting ideas. You will learn how to establish limits without resorting to ultimatums.

I will be teaching "The Danish Way," a technique that has been passed down through generations and has been utilized in institutions for decades. I will provide you with PRACTICAL ideas and hands-on resources to help you improve your parenting abilities. If you actively practice what you are learning, this technique will provide predictable outcomes in a short period of time.

Not only will I discuss the six areas in which Danes interact naturally. I'll also talk about what I believe is important for developing confident, balanced, and resilient children. I've made several files for you so that you may keep your studies handy and relevant throughout the process. I'll take you step by step through the whole course.

There are no requirements for enrolling; all I ask is that you arrive with an open mind and a willingness to learn. You may even speed up the lectures to suit your mood.

Social proof: testimonials

“Everyone around the globe can gain something from the valuable wisdom found in this book/course. Concepts such as reframing and hygge prove useful to families from all cultures. It’s wonderful to see that Danish parenting has so much in common with Positive Parenting! ”

Rebecca Eanes, author of Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide

“Having studied the reasons behind the Danish happiness model for years. I found it to be a clear-sighted, very useful and smart guide on how to improve your own happiness level as a parent and how to foster happier children the Danish way. I would recommend this book/course to anyone who wants to give themselves and/or their children the best chances of a happy life.”

Malene Rydahl, keynote speaker and Goodwill ambassador of Copenhagen

“With reflective insight from her education, training, private practice and her own experiences as a parent, Iben explains, in very clear language, key parenting concepts backed by research, child development theories, and clinical and anecdotal examples. As such, The Danish Way of Parenting is an accessible and exceptional read that is relevant for a wide audience including parents, educators, individuals who work with children, and anyone who hopes to be a parent someday! ”

Kimberly Kopko, Ph.D. Senior Extension Associate Director, Parenting In Context Project Cornell University

“If the `grown-ups` of every nation put the principles outlined in The Danish Way into practice even 50 percent of their waking lives, oh, the potential change to humanity…. Sometimes a book has the power to literally re-sculpt the world as we know it, bringing about changes to the next generation which could even make the word war a concept of the dim and distant past. The Danish Way of Parenting really is every adult’s Bible. ”

The Glass House Girls


Iben Sandahl


Iben Sandahl is a best-seller author, an internationally acknowledged public speaker, author, psychotherapist MPF and educator with activities around the globe.

Since 2015 Iben Sandahl has been offering lectures, workshops and counseling to parents and families, public organizations as well as private enterprises.

Her writings has been featured in The Vanity Fair, Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Psychology Today, The Greater Good Science Center Berkley to name a few - and in every National Newspapers in Denmark. Her book The Danish Way of Parenting: what the happiest people in the world know about raising confident, capable kids, available in 28 languages. She is also the author of Play The Danish Way & Hold my hand.

Iben Sandahl has more than 20 years of experienced insight into child psychology and education, which in a most natural way anchor the Danish way of practicing parenthood.

Living and working in Denmark gives her the best possible opportunity to tell about Danish core values and concepts, which are described in the book.

Her main objectives are to inspire, help and support parents and professionals in order to ensure that new generations of children can grow up with a maximum of social- and mental health by offering alternatives to the many violent and abusive ways in which children and youth have been treated in the past as well as in the present. Newsletter

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